Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another post on Wintergirls

        In this blog post I'm going to talk about the book Wintergirls... again.  It's about a girl named Lia, an anorexic girl.  Her best friend recently died, and now she has to deal with her death, and her anorexia.  People have tried to help her before. but she had always slipped back into her old habits.
        Lia has been anorexic for years.  She has been sent to a facility twice before where they made her eat, made her gain weight.  They'd release her and she'd eat for a few days, then become anorexic again. So should her parents try to help her again?
        Yes, I think they should try to help their daughter.  If she keeps up her anorexia she will die.  If they can help her then she has a chance of getting better, or fighting the battle and winning.  She can survive.  What if she doen't want to be helped? Then what?  Should her parents still try and help her? And should someone be helped even if they don't want it?  It depends on the situation.  If it's life or death, like it is fro Lia, then yes! help her! She could die!  But if someone doesn't want help with their homework then I don't really see why anyone should help them.
        Another thing, can you help someone who doesn't want help?  i don't really think so.  People tried to help Lia twice, but she didn't want help. She didn't want to change or get better.  And the help she got didn't work.  No one can be helped until they are willingto be helped.  If they aren't, then they can resist.  They don't have to listen.  Nothing is really stoping them from not listening.  No one can force you to do anything, not even if they believe it would benefit you.

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