Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How does the Text Make You Think About Justice? Harry Potter

the book Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix makes me think about how all throughout the book, justice is not served.  But the thing is, in the end it is so I am not really sure if it is or isn't.  For example, in the beginning Harry had to use magic to fight of some demontors that were attacking him and his cousin.  Harry was then expelled from Hogwarts for using underage magic outside of the school, then he was sentanced to court.  Here justice was not served because he used it for defensive purposes.  If he hadn't used magic Harry and Dursley would have both gotten their sould sucked out of them.  Honestly, I don't think Harry should have been punished.  Then at the court case the head of the ministry didn't believe Harry and thought he was making up lies.  I think that this is another case of injustice because just because Conelius wasn't there doesn't mean it wasn't true.  Then Dumbledore shows up and pressures Cornelius to release all charges against Harry, so in the end justice was served.  But justice wasn't served with out difficulty.

In this book I think that is the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet (a newspaper) that try to stop justice from occuring.  They do this by lying about Harry, dumbledore, and anyone else that needs some type of justice to be served.  These lies change the way people think causes less and less people to believe and trust Harry and Dumbledore.  The only way to really stop this from happening is by shutting the ministry an the prophet down.  Unfortunatly, this isn't possible.  And in the world too, sometimes it is just impossible for justice to occur.


  1. loveeee harry potter, and I have definitely thought of this in this way. Nice blog post, it was very good and i think relates to our topic of how the text makes us think about injustice. if writing a future post, maybe you could write about the opposite point of view
    nice <3
    (lets go bowling and ding dong ditiching ;)

  2. This is really good Sophia! I don't totally understand what you mean in the first paragraph though.You say that justice was not served because Harry was sentenced to court. Being forced to go to court is not justice or injustice. Justice can be served at court but being brought there is not a form of justice or injustice. If anything, in that specific situation I think justice was served because Harry was released and the Ministry of Magic proven wrong.This cast some doubt on what the Prophet and Ministry said about Harry.

  3. I'm responding to Miranda. I disagree with you in this cercumstance because one of the laws of the Ministry was that if it was for self- defense purposes than you it wouldn't be a problem if you use magic in front of muggles. Harry used magic in front of dudley to protect himself and Dudley from the dementors. That is why I think that it was unjust for him to go to court.

  4. I agree that Harry should not have been brought to court. But in the end justice is served because Harry and Dumbledore make a fool of the ministry. This is justice. So while I agree that that situation starts out as unjust, justice is served.
