Friday, December 10, 2010

Boys R Us by Lisi Harrison

        The book I am reading right now is called Boys R Us by Lisi Harrison.  This book is one in a series called The Clique.  In the book you will follow the lives of 5 girls that are now ex-best friends after the alpha, or leader, of the group (Massie) disbands the "Pretty Committee".  Their names are Massie, Claire, Dylan, Kristen, and Alicia.  They live in Westchester and do to a school named OCD, where everyone fights to be on top.
        I think that this book tries to teach you that money can't buy everything.  This is a cliche, but the way Lisi shows it is different from any other way I've seen before.  To Massie, Alicia and Dylan, money is everything.  They could get whatever they want with it.  Having Claire and Kristen there, because they are both working class, just enhances the point that you don't need money to be happy.
        This theme about money leads to somethng else.  It shows that you can't buy friends.  Spoiler alert!!  Massie learns that the hard way when she hires 4 actresses to play the roll of friends.  She soon finds out that not even money can buy you what you want, and that you need real friends to be happy.
        While Massie is off fighting her own battles with her new employee friends, Claire is torn in between her friends and her alpha (Massie).  True friends are always connecterd by a past,  the present, or the future.  The old Pretty Committee girls are connected by all 3.  They had a past, Claire and their minds are the presents, and by the way the 5 girls miss the old days that they were all friends, I am 99.9% that they will be back together soon.  But hey, maybe things won't get better.  As I continue reading the book, things might change.

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