Sunday, September 26, 2010

Archetypes Entry

To me, Charlotte is the mentor of the story.  She helps Wilbur and she teaches him, she even saves his life.

Ever since the day the two met they made a strange pair, but there friendship over ruled that.  Anyway, Charlotte has been teaching him since day one.  The first time was when Charlotte said salutations.  Wilbur asked what it ment, and so the teaching began.  Every day Charlotte tought Wilbur something new.  And when Wilbur found out he was going to die, Charlotte was the first person to try and help, and also the only person.  She started to think up a plan, and made sure to have it pull through in the end.  That's more then anybody has ever done for Wilbur.  And it saved him.

Charlotte could aslo be portrayed as the hero of the story.  Like I said before, she saved Wilbur's life.  If anybody deserves to be a hero, it's Charlotte.  But, I guess Wilbur can be a called a hero too.  Like, in the end of the book when he got the egg sac, that could be considered heroic.  But the problem with that is that I start thinking that Templeton is a hero.  He was the one that brought Charlotte the words she wove into her web to save Wilbur.  he was the one to get the egg sac down for Wilbur.

In the end, I really don't know who was the hero.  I only know the mentor,   Charlotte, and what she did for Wilbur.

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