Thursday, September 23, 2010

Connecting Annotations Blog

1st annotation. p12.
In the book this is where I first notice that E.B. White seems to be saying that things don't last forever, no matter how much you want it to.  Like on this this page I wrote how Fern doesn't want to give up Wilbur, and Wilbur doesn't want to give up Fern.  They both don't want things to change, but they have to, that is life.

As the book went on, I started to see this more and more.  The idea that nobody wants anything to change, but of course they can't have that.  On p 49 there is a very clear example.  It is when the sheep tells Wilbur that he is going to die and be turned into ham.  I wrote about how mean that was and how Wilbur thought it was going to last, that he was going to live forever.  I mean, I know how he feels.  When my grandpa died in 6th grade, I didn't know that was going to happen. I didn't even think about how things could change like that, for the worst.  But things changed.  Nobody is moping around everyday anymore.  Life moved on.  We did too, but we still can't forget him.   This makes me go to the thought I had in the end of the book.

On p 183, Wilbur was so happy to be alive, and everybody (especially Charlotte) was happy he was alive too.  But Wilbur wasn't happy.  He took Charlotte for granted, and thats what we all do, and what we all shouldn't do.

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