Thursday, January 13, 2011

Harry Potter #3 P.S. There is a spoiler

         I'm reading the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling.  In this book Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts only to find out that Sirius Black, a prisoner in Azkaban is on the loose, and he wants to find Harry.  Not only that, but dementors are at Hogwarts and now Harry needs to learn how to fight them off.
         One thing that I've noticed in this book is that the dementors always seem to be after Harry.  This is probably because he has some of the worst memories out of all the students there at Hogwarts.  One thing that I would like to know what the dementors represent.  Do they represent all the dark things that we keep hidden in the back of our minds?  I've come to think so.  Dementors are a weapon, used to get us to think about those memories.  Memories that could haunt us forever, causing us to be lifeless thing just floating in a world that we feel we don't belong in turning you into one of them, a dementor, with no emotions, no soul, no life.  I think that is what anyone would beome, with no happy memories.  Without those memories, without happiness in general, what is the point in living?  There really is none.
        If dementors were real people, then they would be the bullies.  The  ones that make you feel bad, that suck all the happiness out of you.  But it's just to make themselves happy, to make them feel better, so that they have more of a soul.  And really, it doesn't work.  All it does is makes them want more people to be sad, for them  to have something to live for.  They just don't realize, that living that way is not worth it.  Anyone like that should try to do something with their lives, to make it worthwhile.  No one should have to live like a dementor, so just be happy and think about those happy memories.  Leave the bad ones in a loked up trunk in your head.

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit dementors spot on. they literally feed on our pain and sorrow. But you have to think, with the good comes the bad. they suck your soul out, but they probably take your worst memories as well... so is the point living without happiness or experiences?
