Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Not Easy Being Mean

        I just finished reading the book it's Not Easy Being Mean by Lisi Harrison.  In this book Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire set off to find a key to unlock a mysterious room on OCD's campus.  Well, except Claire because she's to busy working on an a contract in acting.  The only problem about finding the key is that it's under some boy's bed.  I'm not going to say  what happens so you have to read it to fing out.
        Honestly, having to write about some issues in this book is hard because it is just so shallow!  But looking past all of that, there is something there to think about.  Spoiler coming up soon.  It comes up towards the end of the book, where Massie and her friends are forced to make some sacrifices to get the key after a "loser beyond repair", Layne Abeley, finds the key.  In order to get the key from Layne, Massie has to bargain with her untill she decides to give it up.  I feel like this is saying that you have to lose some to win some.  I know that it's a common cliche, but that is the way to describe it.  But then I started thinking about how if you are happy with what you have and everyone in the school wants to be you, then why not give someone else a chance to shine for a little while?  You've had you're glory days, now why not let someone else steal the spotlight.  Escpecially since that room is a secret and no one is supposed to know about it.  Then nothing would be affected.  at least I don't think it would be.
        But to Massie, knowing that Layne had the key and not her would probably make her... unhappy.  Sh'd probably want that key for herself,  just so it would make her feel better than everyone else.  If I were her, I probably would want the key to.  The only difference is that I might agree to share the room.  Then me and who ever found the key would both be happy.  If I were there, I probably would have suggested that.  Sure, I would've been shot down by tons of comebacks, but at least the thought would be on Massie's mind.
        I wish Massie was a little more considerate of others, but that is just the way she is.  And luckily she doesn't actually exist, at least not in my life.  You've heard what I think, now what about you?

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