Thursday, February 3, 2011

A long rant about the Little House Series

        I didn't really have anything to say about any book I've read in the past week, so I decided to take a look back at the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  These books show the story of the author and show what it was like growing up in the mid to late 1800s.  The author is the main character and she has 3 sisters, Carrie, Mary, and Grace.
        All throughout the series I've noticed that evry single one has a very happy and very corny ending.  It honestly is one of the most annoying things ever!  For example, in The long Winter the ending goes "And as they sang, the fear and suffering of the long winter seemed to risew like a dark cloud and float away on the music.  Spring had come.  The sun was shining warm, the winds were soft, and the green grass growing."  Every time I read that I want to die.  If he was still alive today I would love to write her a letter saying those things.  Not that she shouldn't make it a happy ending.  She could do that if she wants, just not in the same way.  I don't really know what I'd say but if I had to I would figure something out.
        Another thing, I think that Laura exagerates a lot.  I do to, but if there was big blizzard I wouldn't say, my brother was so very scared that he was shaking really hard.  Ever heard of show not tell?  Didn't think so.  Some things that Laura exagerated actually enhanced the what she was trying to say.  Like if she says something like, the wind howled really loudly all night long, then that would be okay because she wanted to enhance the point that  the wind was loud.  But if she says that every time it is windy then it get annoying.   And she does say that when ever it's windy in the book!!  I am getting so worked up about this now, it's un-believable!  I'm basically yelling these things in my head.
        Oh, lets see.  What else is annoying...hmmm.  Some of these people's names annoy me.  Now, I know he didn't make up these names, but still.  Tell me, who names their kid Cap.  That is a form of a hat.  Nobody wants to be named a type of hat.  And Minnie too.  Whenever I think of that name I think of a mouse.  I wouldn't want to have the same name as a giant mouse (not that I don't like Minnie Mouse, because I do).  I bet you I could keep going forever but I'm going to stop know.  Do you think these books can be annoying?

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