Thursday, February 10, 2011

Loser by Jerry Spinelli

        I had no new books to read this week so I picked up the book Loser by Jerry Spinelli.  The "star" of this book is a clueless kid named Donald Zinkoff.  He stands out in a crowd, but not for a good reason.  He never really gets above an A in school and you can't read his handwriting.  To everyone but him, he is just a friendless loser.  Poor Zinkoff.
        In this blog post I'm going to talk about being clueless, and whether it's good or bad.  Donald is seriosly the most clueless kid in the world.  He is completly un-aware of everyrthing.  And in his case, it a very good thing, it keeps him happy.  If he wasn't so clueless, then he would probably be very depressed all the time.  He has no friends at all.  In fact everyone hates him, especially when it comes to feild day.  Plus, if anyone maakes fun of him, half the time it makes him proud.  He just doesn't get it.  If I was him and actually realized what was going on around me I would probably lock myself in my room and stay there for the rest of my life.  The only time he isn't really clueless was when people were calling him a loser.
        I also think that it's bad for him to be clueless.  I mean, if he understood what they were saying about him he might try to stop it.  If they say he is a super slow runner he might try to run faster.  They could say he is a bad student.  he might try to study harder.  If he realized it then Zinkoff might try to prove everyone wrong.  That would benefit him in the long run.  He might also get what is wrong with this picture, his picture.  If he knew and changed it, his life would be better, even if he doesn't realize it.
        If I were Donald, I would probably wan't to be clueless, I wouldn't get hurt as much.  What about you?

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