Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wintergirls Revised Post

        Once again I did another re read this week.  I know, I need a new book very badly.  But anyway, I re read the book Wintergirls by Laurie Anderson.  In this book the main character is an anorexic girl named Lia, who used to be best friends with Cassie, a bulimic girl.  But they haven't been best friends in a while, or at least since Cassie died.  This is the story of Lia and her life.  And how Cassie comes back to haunt her.
         I always wonder why the book is called Wintergirls.  It's not like Lia only comes out in the winter, because I'm in the book she went out in the other seasons.  But it might be because she is cold, out of it, such as many people are in the winter.  Maybe it's because in the winter, Lia may feel like everything is a dream, nothing is reality, and that is what makes everything easier to deal with.  If it feels like a dream, a fog, then it makes it easier for life to feel like nothing is real.  That this is a dream, this isn't happening.  And that is basically how Lia lives her life, in a dream, not thinking clearly.  But in winter this can happen to everyone.  I feel like winter might make everything easier to deal with, or even harder.  Like when it's calm with snow falling gently, it makes the world slow down.  It makes it so that you feel as if you have all the time in the world and you can relax, sit back , and drink a hot chocolate.  But when there is a rough, windy blizzard, then everything feels hectic.  It can make you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you can't deal with anything, you have to go to your last resort, which is usually a bad thing.  Especially in Lia's case.  In fact, in the end it almost killed her.
        Winter is also a time of beauty and a time to hide.  Winter can be beautiful at times.  Just looking at the snow coverd trees is so pretty, so perfect.  The fresh snow on the ground, untouched buy everything, a carpet of smooth white.  I find it so calming.  And winter can make a person beautiful, in their eyes or someone else's.  Like Lia.  In Lia's eyes she is beautiful.  Or at least what she's trying to become is.  But beautiful, might not be beautiful.  Beautful is killing her.
        Now winter can also make you hide.  You might just want to hide inside your house, sitting by the window with that cup of hot chocolate that I mentioned before, safe from everything.  Hiding from the cold, the ice, the snow.  Hiding from anything that could cause you the slightest discormfort, the slightest pain.  Hiding from yourself.  Now that, is what Lia does.  She knows that she is killing her, she knows that she will die if she keeps up her anorexia.  She wants to live.  She wants to eat.  But she has to hide that feeling to say, as she says, "strong".  And she can't let anyone see who she is, what she is trying to become because if she does, it won't be pretty.  She has to hide from others.  She can't let anyone see what she has become because, if they see, she will be locked up in a hospital faster than the snap of your fingers.  But this starving herself, this hiding makes Lia feel distant.  It makes her feel strong.  It makes her lie about her weight by sowing pennies into robe that she wears when she steps on the scale.  She hides her weight, she hides herself.  And in a way, winter does this to all of us.  Each person in their own ways.  It can be good or bad.  What Lia does is bad, really bad.  I don't get why anyone would want to starve themselves.  Why they'd want to live that way.  Hiding, in a fog, all the time.  Think about that, or don't.

So here's a link to my original post:
Thanks for reading my post, so bye!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


       Once again I did another re read this week.  I know, I need a new book very badly.  But anyway, I re read the book Wintergirls by Laurie Anderson.  In this book the main character is an anorexic girl named Lia, who used to be best friends with Cassia, a bulimic girl.  But they haven't been best friends in a while, or at least since Cassie died.  This is the story of Lia and her life.  And how Cassie comes back to haunt her.
         I don't get why the book is called Wintergirls.  It's not like Lia only comes out in the winter, because I'm in the book she went out in the other seasons.  But it might be because she is cold, out of it, like many people are in the winter.  Maybe it's because in the winter, Lia may feel like everything is a dream, like nothing i reality, and that is what makes everything easier to deal with.  If it feel like a dream, a fog, then it makes it easier for life to feel like nothing is real.  That this is a dream, this isn't happening.  I feel like winter might make everything easier to deal with, or even harder.  Like when it's calm with snow falling gently, it makes the world slow down.  It makes it so that you feel like you have more time to deal with everything.  But when there is a rough, windy blizzard, then everything feels hectic.  It can make you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you can't deal with anything, you have to go to your last resort, which is usually a bad thing.  Especially in Lia's case.  In fact, in the end it almost killed her.
        Winter is also a time of beauty and a time to hide.  In Lia's eyes what she is trying to become is beautiful.  But beautiful, isn't beautiful.  For Lia, it also makes her hide.  She can't let anyone see who she is, what she is trying to become because if she does, it won't be pretty.  It makes Lia feel distant.  It makes her feel strong.  It makes her lie about her weight by sowing pennies into robe that she wears when she steps on the scale.  And in a way, winter does this to all of us.  Each person in their own ways.  So, I don't know.  Think about that, or don't.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

        The other day when I was sick I went back and re-read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.  Great book, in case you were wondering.  Anyway, in this book the main character is Anna, even though it tells the story from multiple people's views.  But anyway her sister Kate has cancer so they  created Anna, literally created like in a petri dish, who would be a perfect genetic match to Kate.  Now Anna is filling a law suit against her parents because she doesn't want to donate a kidney to her sister.
        So is it wrong of her to not donate a kidney?  Well, it sort of is, at least in my opinion.  Anna is the only one who can save her sister.  If my brother was dying and I was the only one who could save him I probably would give him the kidney.  But Anna and Kate aren't just sisters, they are best friends.  They don't really have other friends.  It's kind of hard for them to stick around knowing what is going on in that family.  So if Anna doesn't donate her kidney, Kate will die, and Anna will not only lose her sister, she would lose her best friend.  That would be like 2 losses in one, which I think would make it harder for Anna than it already would be if they were just sisters.
        It's also okay for her to not donate a kidney.  Why should her sister's life be in Anna's hands?  That is not fair for Anna.  She has her own life to worry about.  Plus, what if she donates the kidney and it doesn't work, and Kate dies anyway?  Then Anna will have one less kidney for no reason at all.  Besisdes, you don't have to help someone, you choose to.  And if Anna isn't choosing to then why should she donate a kidney? It's not the law, she wont get arrested if she doesn't.
        I guess all I am really saying is that Anna has a choice, and either one could be the right one.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Little Phony (The Clique #13)

                                                                Spoiler Alert
        Before I start, I have to say, these books are horrible.  But I don't care!!  They are some of my favorite books, I don't know why though.  But anyway, in this book Massie and Claire get into a fight so Claire puts bugs in Massie's bed to get back at her for shaving her brothers head and making her friends think she has lice.  This forces Massie to live in Claire's house for a week while her parents are supposedly in the Bahamas.  I don't know what else really happens.  Not much untill sort of the end, but I don't want to give everything away.
        So basically what I'm going to do in this blog is ramble about things, fun right?  But anyway,  Massie takes everything personally and it's annoying.  When Claire wants to hang out with her new friends she takes it as. "Claire left us for her new geeky friends.  She must not like us anymore.  Must Get Rid of Claire's Friends."  Who does that?  And another thing that I find dumb is that it is perfectly fine with the rest of Massie and her friends, who used to be Claire's friends.  That's pretty mean if you ask me.  Also, in maybe the 10th book, it was, everytime her ex- "boyfriend" would come near her and try to talk to her friend Dylan she would be like: "Oh my god, stop flirting with me, I have moveed on from you, so try to stay away from me."  She thinks everything has to do with her!
        Another thing that annoys me about this book is how SHALLOW Massie and her friends are.  They are more shallow then a puddle.  Especially Massie.  She thinks everything is about looks and being on tot means , even if it means putting people down.  She has no problem with that.  Mean, right?
        These books suck, but I love them.  No clue why, I just do.  It might be because they are so bad that it's just hillarious And that is good enough for me. The End.
        P.S. Sorry that this was a sucky blog post, I haven't had anything new to read in weeks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is very confusing

There is a spoiler about what happens in the beginning, if you haven't read it yet.

        I started to read the book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  So far I think it is about how the earth is going to be destroyed and what happens afterwards.  The main character is a man named Arthur Dent.  The book starts off with Arthur waj=king up to his house being destroyed so he lies down in front of it so they can't run it over.  Then his friend makes him get up and go to the bar where he tells Aurthur that the world will be destroyed in 12 minutes.  Then some alien things come or something.
        The first thing that I found confusing was that for a zillion pages all they talked about was Arthur's house getting torn down and him lying down in front of it.  I honestly do not see the point of that.  Yea it's sort of interesting, but it has nothing to do with the rest of the story, at least out of what I've read already.  I would have started the book more like this:
        It was a Thursday morning when Arthur Dent's friend Ford came and dragged him to the pub.  Now he was just sitting there waiting for the 6 pints of beer his friend had ordered.  Finally, they arrived.  "Now drink 3 pints of beer and I'll tell you why we came here," Ford had said.  Arthur drank his beers in question, thinking about how drunk he would be on the way home.  "The world is about to end."
        I would have started it more like that.  Not waiting a chapter or 2 for the stroy to really begin.  But I don't know, maybe that first chapter is important later on, so far I don't think so.
        Another thing that is confusing is when what ever it is appears.  The things in the ship.  That is what confuses me, i don't know what they are, I don't know who they are, where ther're from.  I don't know anything and it really confuses me.
        I just got into the book today so, sorry that it doesn't go into much detail.  I didn't know enough to write about much of anything.