Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Little Phony (The Clique #13)

                                                                Spoiler Alert
        Before I start, I have to say, these books are horrible.  But I don't care!!  They are some of my favorite books, I don't know why though.  But anyway, in this book Massie and Claire get into a fight so Claire puts bugs in Massie's bed to get back at her for shaving her brothers head and making her friends think she has lice.  This forces Massie to live in Claire's house for a week while her parents are supposedly in the Bahamas.  I don't know what else really happens.  Not much untill sort of the end, but I don't want to give everything away.
        So basically what I'm going to do in this blog is ramble about things, fun right?  But anyway,  Massie takes everything personally and it's annoying.  When Claire wants to hang out with her new friends she takes it as. "Claire left us for her new geeky friends.  She must not like us anymore.  Must Get Rid of Claire's Friends."  Who does that?  And another thing that I find dumb is that it is perfectly fine with the rest of Massie and her friends, who used to be Claire's friends.  That's pretty mean if you ask me.  Also, in maybe the 10th book, it was, everytime her ex- "boyfriend" would come near her and try to talk to her friend Dylan she would be like: "Oh my god, stop flirting with me, I have moveed on from you, so try to stay away from me."  She thinks everything has to do with her!
        Another thing that annoys me about this book is how SHALLOW Massie and her friends are.  They are more shallow then a puddle.  Especially Massie.  She thinks everything is about looks and being on tot means , even if it means putting people down.  She has no problem with that.  Mean, right?
        These books suck, but I love them.  No clue why, I just do.  It might be because they are so bad that it's just hillarious And that is good enough for me. The End.
        P.S. Sorry that this was a sucky blog post, I haven't had anything new to read in weeks.

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