Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wintergirls Revised Post

        Once again I did another re read this week.  I know, I need a new book very badly.  But anyway, I re read the book Wintergirls by Laurie Anderson.  In this book the main character is an anorexic girl named Lia, who used to be best friends with Cassie, a bulimic girl.  But they haven't been best friends in a while, or at least since Cassie died.  This is the story of Lia and her life.  And how Cassie comes back to haunt her.
         I always wonder why the book is called Wintergirls.  It's not like Lia only comes out in the winter, because I'm in the book she went out in the other seasons.  But it might be because she is cold, out of it, such as many people are in the winter.  Maybe it's because in the winter, Lia may feel like everything is a dream, nothing is reality, and that is what makes everything easier to deal with.  If it feels like a dream, a fog, then it makes it easier for life to feel like nothing is real.  That this is a dream, this isn't happening.  And that is basically how Lia lives her life, in a dream, not thinking clearly.  But in winter this can happen to everyone.  I feel like winter might make everything easier to deal with, or even harder.  Like when it's calm with snow falling gently, it makes the world slow down.  It makes it so that you feel as if you have all the time in the world and you can relax, sit back , and drink a hot chocolate.  But when there is a rough, windy blizzard, then everything feels hectic.  It can make you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you can't deal with anything, you have to go to your last resort, which is usually a bad thing.  Especially in Lia's case.  In fact, in the end it almost killed her.
        Winter is also a time of beauty and a time to hide.  Winter can be beautiful at times.  Just looking at the snow coverd trees is so pretty, so perfect.  The fresh snow on the ground, untouched buy everything, a carpet of smooth white.  I find it so calming.  And winter can make a person beautiful, in their eyes or someone else's.  Like Lia.  In Lia's eyes she is beautiful.  Or at least what she's trying to become is.  But beautiful, might not be beautiful.  Beautful is killing her.
        Now winter can also make you hide.  You might just want to hide inside your house, sitting by the window with that cup of hot chocolate that I mentioned before, safe from everything.  Hiding from the cold, the ice, the snow.  Hiding from anything that could cause you the slightest discormfort, the slightest pain.  Hiding from yourself.  Now that, is what Lia does.  She knows that she is killing her, she knows that she will die if she keeps up her anorexia.  She wants to live.  She wants to eat.  But she has to hide that feeling to say, as she says, "strong".  And she can't let anyone see who she is, what she is trying to become because if she does, it won't be pretty.  She has to hide from others.  She can't let anyone see what she has become because, if they see, she will be locked up in a hospital faster than the snap of your fingers.  But this starving herself, this hiding makes Lia feel distant.  It makes her feel strong.  It makes her lie about her weight by sowing pennies into robe that she wears when she steps on the scale.  She hides her weight, she hides herself.  And in a way, winter does this to all of us.  Each person in their own ways.  It can be good or bad.  What Lia does is bad, really bad.  I don't get why anyone would want to starve themselves.  Why they'd want to live that way.  Hiding, in a fog, all the time.  Think about that, or don't.

So here's a link to my original post:
Thanks for reading my post, so bye!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Txai here.

    Wonderful job with the imagery and not wandering too far from the book itself. You took my considerations into mind and really improved your post. If I were to make another suggestion though, it would be that the post was a bit less conversational.

    Well done.
