Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dial L for Loser and the rest of The Clique books

       In the book Dial L for Loser, Massie, Alicia, and Claire go to Hollywood to audition for a part in the movie and (spoiler alert) Claire gets the part.  So Alicia and Massie get a job on a famous talk show instead and try to get Claire's life to be miserable.  For example, they take a video of Claire kissing someone for the movie and send it to her boyfriend, and they planted lots of medications and did a segment on it in the talk show.  In the end, they are all friends again and Claire and her boyfriend are back together.
        In this blog post I kind of want to focus on what Lisi Harrison is trying to tell people, in this book, and all the others.  And what I think she is trying to tell us is that anyone can make it to the top.  Look at Claire.  When she first came to Westchester, she was nothing, a loser, the bottom of the middle school food chain.  But she made it to the top.  She fought for herself, she wouldn't stay at the bottom.  It shows that anyone, if they have any determination , can become a somebody.  Don't sit in the sidelines.  Do something.  You can do it.  And don't stop fighting.  Claire did it, so why can't everyone else?  They could if they have enough determination and will power.  And everyone does have enough, they just have to use it.
        I also think that Lisi is trying to say that you don't need money or to be an alpha to be happy.  Look at Kristen and Claire.  Neither one of them have a lot of money, but they are still happy.  You don't need all these fancy and expensive clothes to be happy.  Sure, they are nice to have, but you don't need them.  You can be happy without them.  And you don't need to be an alpha.  You don't need to have people try to follow your every move, or want to be you.  All you really need to be happy is your family and friends and what you already have.  And yes I know, we all take those things for granted.
        We should all try to appreciate the things that we have more and realize that we don't need all these things to be happy.  And If you are stuck on the bottom, don't be afraid to fight your way to the top.  Doing these things can get you far.  Claire is a great example of that.

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