Sunday, June 19, 2011

Final Blog Post

        Wow. Final blog post. I never though this day would come.  But anyway... I'm just going to get started.
*  Is writing online different than in a notebook?  In what ways?
        Writing online can be very different from writing in a notebook.  First of all, you're not using pen/pencil and paper.  You are using a laptop or something like that.  It makes the overall feel of writing different.  And you don't see the person's handwriting, which can show a little bit about the person writing the words.  So in a way you are a little more distant from everyone when writing online.

*  In what ways can writing online be liberating?  Limiting?
        It can be liberating because you can say what you want.  You feel like you have a little bit more of a sense of freedom when you write.  Plus, if you have bad handwriting, people will be able to read what you write so you don't have to re-write things over and over.  Writing online can also be a little bit limiting, too.  You can't really see people's handwriting, which shows you a little about them, so everyone will seem more distant.  And if you want to draw a picture to show what you mean, you can't really do that on a computer.

*  Do you think that people are more real online or do we create online personalities that project the best of ourselves? Or something else?
        No, I don't think people are more real online, especially in blogs.  When people write, they often do it in a different style then they speak in, which makes them sort or fake.  I know that this sometimes happens to me, I mean seriously, I don't talk like this.  And writing in a different way that we speak does create a online personality for us.  We use different language, write in different ways, and just aren't the same.  But sometimes we don't create a totally new personality, sometimes we just show a different part of our personalities.
        So that is it for my blog.  The last one of the year.  So... bye!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another post on Wintergirls

        In this blog post I'm going to talk about the book Wintergirls... again.  It's about a girl named Lia, an anorexic girl.  Her best friend recently died, and now she has to deal with her death, and her anorexia.  People have tried to help her before. but she had always slipped back into her old habits.
        Lia has been anorexic for years.  She has been sent to a facility twice before where they made her eat, made her gain weight.  They'd release her and she'd eat for a few days, then become anorexic again. So should her parents try to help her again?
        Yes, I think they should try to help their daughter.  If she keeps up her anorexia she will die.  If they can help her then she has a chance of getting better, or fighting the battle and winning.  She can survive.  What if she doen't want to be helped? Then what?  Should her parents still try and help her? And should someone be helped even if they don't want it?  It depends on the situation.  If it's life or death, like it is fro Lia, then yes! help her! She could die!  But if someone doesn't want help with their homework then I don't really see why anyone should help them.
        Another thing, can you help someone who doesn't want help?  i don't really think so.  People tried to help Lia twice, but she didn't want help. She didn't want to change or get better.  And the help she got didn't work.  No one can be helped until they are willingto be helped.  If they aren't, then they can resist.  They don't have to listen.  Nothing is really stoping them from not listening.  No one can force you to do anything, not even if they believe it would benefit you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Adoration of Jenna Fox

                                                                * DANGER!  SPOILERS AHEAD*
        The Adoration of Jenna Fox is a pretty good book written by Mary E. Pearson.  It's main character is a girl named Jenna Fox.  Jenna got into a horrible car accident and faced severe injuries.  Then she fell into a coma for a year.  When she wakes up, she is in a new place, doesn't remember enything, and has to start all over again.  Jenna wasn't supposed to survive the accident, but she did.
        To save Jenna, her parents replaced her limbs and many organs with bio-gel, a substance that her father invented.  Bio-gel mimics tissues and limbs and looks like them to, at least from the outside.  But to save Jenna they had to inject her with a lot of bio-gel.  In fact, so much that she is illegal.  The legal amount of bio-gel a person could have is 20%.  Jenna is 80%.  60% over the limit.  No one can find out about her.
        But was it right for Jenna's parents to do what they did to save her?  It is, sort of.  Her parents wanted to save their only child.   They loved her and wanted her to live, to be okay.  They were so willing to do anything to save her that they broke the rules and laws.  No one can know about Jenna, or else they will all face the consequences.  But was it worth it? To them it was, and I guess that's the most important thing.
       It's also not okay though.  Why should Jenna get to live while other people with less severe accidents than Jenna die every day.  And besides, she's an illegal creation.  Her parents broke the rules.  Why is that right? It's not.
        What makes something right?  If you think that it;s the right thing to do, then yea, I guess it could be right.  At least for you it could be.  It might not benefit other people but it's what you believe is the best decision.  I guess that's what Jenna's parents did when they used the bio-gel on her.  It might not be the right thing to do from someone else's point of view, but in their point of view, it was.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pretty Little Liars #5

        I just finished reading the book Wicked by Sara Shepard a couple of hours ago so before i forget what happened, let me write the summary.  In this book Hanna's stepsister Kate moves in along with her father and his wife.  Together they befriend to girls and rule the school.  Spencer has a hunch about why her amily always favored her sister, Melissa, over her.  Emily get a new boyfriend after telling her parents that she's gay.  And Aria's mom's boyfriend keeps hitting on her.  And she might like him back a tiny bit.  "A" is dead and they have no more stalker to worry about, so everything will be fine.  Think again.
        In this book I've noticed a lot of secrets.  In fact every single girl has a secret, or someone they're close to has a secret.  Spencer's parents have a secret.  A big one that may explain why they like Melissa more than her.  Aria has a secret invloving her mom's new boyfriend.  Emily has a secret that she's hid from her parents.  A secret that shows that she might not be gay after all.  And Hanna's new stepsister's secret is that she might be trying to destroy her.  And that Kate apologizing to Hanna was just part  of a master plan to ruin her.  And those are only the some of tthe big secrets in this book.
        Everyone has something to hide.  In the books and in real life.  No one tells people everything.  At least I know I don't.  Maybe  it's just me.  Maybe it's the type of person I am, or the way i was raised.  Because  it my family, we are sort of like Spencer's family.  Each one of us sticks to ourselves, does our work, minds our own business.  The things that we talk about the most are how well me and my brother did at our last track meet.  Or how my brother scored a goal at his soccer game earlier that game.  Or how I did on my lst test.  Basically that's how we are.  No one tries to get into each other's business.  We just keep stuff to ourselves.  We make everything our secrets.  We don't try to.  That's just how things work
        And a lot of times that's what happens, we don't start out making in intentional to make thesethings our secrets.  It just happens to go in that way, into that little spot in the back of our mind that says, don't tell.  It doesn't even have to be that important for your brain to tell you not to say anything.  But after a while, it might.  You might convince yourself that you just absolutly can't tell anyone.  And that is why some of the people in the books have so many secrets that they can't tell.   Their brains tell them not to.  Does that make any sense? I don't know.

Pretty Little Liars #3

        I recently read the book Perfect by Sara Shepard, which is the 3rd book in the Pretty Little Liars series.  And let me tell you, I love these books.  But anyway in this book, evreyone finds out about Emily, Hanna and Mona's frienship is on the rocks, Spencer is a labeled a cheater by her family, and Aria is kicked out of her mother's house.  Basically, everyones lives are in shambles.  I'm not going to say anymore because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.
        One thing that I've noticed a lot in this series is that everyone has something that they lie about and something to hide.  Aria hides the fact that her english teacher, Mr.Fitz is basically her secret boyfriend.  She lies to her "public" boyfriend, I guess that's what you could call it, by saying how she loves them and how nothing was going on between her and Mr.Fitz.  And that no, she would never cheat on them.  And when he texts her she lies to her parents and says that it was just a friend, or nobody.  She was hiding something, and she was lying.
        But I don't think that she just does those things because she thinks that they're right.  I think that she did those things because she leatned from her father.  She caught her father cheating on his wife with a student named Meridith.  Sound familiar? I sure think so.  Except this time Aria is the student Mr.Fitz is the teacher.  And the student is the one cheating on someone.  And she knows it's not the right thing to do, but it's sort of okay if your parents do it, right? WRONG.  Not everythings okay if your parents do it, sorry!
        But anyway, in real life to everyone has secrets and tells lies.  Lying can have a better outcome then telling the truth, well sometimes.  Like in Aria's case, lying to her boyfriends and parents about Mr.Fitz made it better for her and made it so Mr.Fitz couldn't get in trouble.  But what she was lying about was wrong.  So I wonder if the lies were wrong to, even if they protected 2 people.  Maybe, maybe not.  It really depends on how you look at it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Clique #4

        I read the book Invasion of the Boy Snatchers by Lisi Harrison the other day and started to think about it. But before I get into that, let me just tell you a summary of the book.  In this book Alicia's cousin Nina visits from Spain and threatens the Cliques friendahip's with each other.  But she threatens more than that.  She threatens Massie's Alpha status. And to Massie, that is completly un-acceptable.  In this book it sort of shows what happens when you put to alphas together. They compete.  Sort of like animals fighting over their territories.

        Massie needs to realize that she can't be the best and most popular girls in the school all the time. At some point she is gonna realize that she isn't the best. Like now, al least not with Nina in the picture. If Massie is going to be the best, then she's really got to work at defeating Nina. Nina also thinks that she is the best and the most popular. She has really got to work to defeat Massie. They both are similar in that way. They think that they're the best, but they're going against each other.

        When two people like that are put in the same room it could cause some trouble. Before you know it they will be fighting to prove that they are the best. Nina and Massie seem to be doing this alot. Massie's style is basically cruel remarkes. Nina seems to prefer trying to out do her by saying something else or getting everyone on her side. I think that this situation could happen in real life.

        I have two friends that both think they are the best (I won't mention any names incase you two read this). You don't even wan't to be near them when they are next two each other. They will fight and yell and say nasty things to each other so that one of them feels wounded and backs down. That is pretty much how they decide who is the best, for the moment, that is. They, for sure will be doing it again the next time they get near each other. Massie and Nina are the same way. They just keep going at it until one of them falls. And it's hard to make them back down.

        For them, it is like the name of that show. Make it or break it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Sky is Everywhere

      Im currently reading the book The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson.  It's about a girl named Lennie and her life after her sister died.  But now she has a crush on her sister's old boyfriend, Toby.  A boy who helps her remember Bailey, who helps her make Bailey's death a little more bearable.  And she also has a crush on the new kid in band class, Joe.  This boy helps her forget.  He makes her not feel any grief, just happiness.  So which boy should she choose. The one who helps her remember, or the one.
        If she chooses Toby, then she will remember her sister more.  She will be with someone who knew her sister well.  Some one who Lennie could laugh at Bailey's memory with.  He could help her deal with her greif.  But what would Bailey say if she was looking down on them from heaven or something?  If Lennie and Toby start dating, then won't she feel guilty?  She sort of stole her sister's boyfriend.  But then, there is always Joe.
        If Lennie chooses Joe, then she will be able to forget.  After all, hanging on to a memory for too long can be un-healthy.  Joe makes her happy, she is always happy and laughing when she is around him.  That's good for her.  She needs to be cheered up.  Joe will play the clarinet with her.  Have her listen to the music. Calm her down.  That is something she needs sometimes.
        But I also wonder if liking these two boys just fills up a hole in her heart.  A hole where Bailey used to be, because she wasn't interested in Toby and a bunch of other boys until the funeral.  Sorrt of like when I'm bored and I just start eating.  I fill up the hole that I caused by not doing something by eating half a box of cereal.  Honestly I just think that she is trying to fill that hole with boys.  And I don't think it's going to work for very long.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dial L for Loser and the rest of The Clique books

       In the book Dial L for Loser, Massie, Alicia, and Claire go to Hollywood to audition for a part in the movie and (spoiler alert) Claire gets the part.  So Alicia and Massie get a job on a famous talk show instead and try to get Claire's life to be miserable.  For example, they take a video of Claire kissing someone for the movie and send it to her boyfriend, and they planted lots of medications and did a segment on it in the talk show.  In the end, they are all friends again and Claire and her boyfriend are back together.
        In this blog post I kind of want to focus on what Lisi Harrison is trying to tell people, in this book, and all the others.  And what I think she is trying to tell us is that anyone can make it to the top.  Look at Claire.  When she first came to Westchester, she was nothing, a loser, the bottom of the middle school food chain.  But she made it to the top.  She fought for herself, she wouldn't stay at the bottom.  It shows that anyone, if they have any determination , can become a somebody.  Don't sit in the sidelines.  Do something.  You can do it.  And don't stop fighting.  Claire did it, so why can't everyone else?  They could if they have enough determination and will power.  And everyone does have enough, they just have to use it.
        I also think that Lisi is trying to say that you don't need money or to be an alpha to be happy.  Look at Kristen and Claire.  Neither one of them have a lot of money, but they are still happy.  You don't need all these fancy and expensive clothes to be happy.  Sure, they are nice to have, but you don't need them.  You can be happy without them.  And you don't need to be an alpha.  You don't need to have people try to follow your every move, or want to be you.  All you really need to be happy is your family and friends and what you already have.  And yes I know, we all take those things for granted.
        We should all try to appreciate the things that we have more and realize that we don't need all these things to be happy.  And If you are stuck on the bottom, don't be afraid to fight your way to the top.  Doing these things can get you far.  Claire is a great example of that.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wintergirls Revised Post

        Once again I did another re read this week.  I know, I need a new book very badly.  But anyway, I re read the book Wintergirls by Laurie Anderson.  In this book the main character is an anorexic girl named Lia, who used to be best friends with Cassie, a bulimic girl.  But they haven't been best friends in a while, or at least since Cassie died.  This is the story of Lia and her life.  And how Cassie comes back to haunt her.
         I always wonder why the book is called Wintergirls.  It's not like Lia only comes out in the winter, because I'm in the book she went out in the other seasons.  But it might be because she is cold, out of it, such as many people are in the winter.  Maybe it's because in the winter, Lia may feel like everything is a dream, nothing is reality, and that is what makes everything easier to deal with.  If it feels like a dream, a fog, then it makes it easier for life to feel like nothing is real.  That this is a dream, this isn't happening.  And that is basically how Lia lives her life, in a dream, not thinking clearly.  But in winter this can happen to everyone.  I feel like winter might make everything easier to deal with, or even harder.  Like when it's calm with snow falling gently, it makes the world slow down.  It makes it so that you feel as if you have all the time in the world and you can relax, sit back , and drink a hot chocolate.  But when there is a rough, windy blizzard, then everything feels hectic.  It can make you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you can't deal with anything, you have to go to your last resort, which is usually a bad thing.  Especially in Lia's case.  In fact, in the end it almost killed her.
        Winter is also a time of beauty and a time to hide.  Winter can be beautiful at times.  Just looking at the snow coverd trees is so pretty, so perfect.  The fresh snow on the ground, untouched buy everything, a carpet of smooth white.  I find it so calming.  And winter can make a person beautiful, in their eyes or someone else's.  Like Lia.  In Lia's eyes she is beautiful.  Or at least what she's trying to become is.  But beautiful, might not be beautiful.  Beautful is killing her.
        Now winter can also make you hide.  You might just want to hide inside your house, sitting by the window with that cup of hot chocolate that I mentioned before, safe from everything.  Hiding from the cold, the ice, the snow.  Hiding from anything that could cause you the slightest discormfort, the slightest pain.  Hiding from yourself.  Now that, is what Lia does.  She knows that she is killing her, she knows that she will die if she keeps up her anorexia.  She wants to live.  She wants to eat.  But she has to hide that feeling to say, as she says, "strong".  And she can't let anyone see who she is, what she is trying to become because if she does, it won't be pretty.  She has to hide from others.  She can't let anyone see what she has become because, if they see, she will be locked up in a hospital faster than the snap of your fingers.  But this starving herself, this hiding makes Lia feel distant.  It makes her feel strong.  It makes her lie about her weight by sowing pennies into robe that she wears when she steps on the scale.  She hides her weight, she hides herself.  And in a way, winter does this to all of us.  Each person in their own ways.  It can be good or bad.  What Lia does is bad, really bad.  I don't get why anyone would want to starve themselves.  Why they'd want to live that way.  Hiding, in a fog, all the time.  Think about that, or don't.

So here's a link to my original post:
Thanks for reading my post, so bye!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


       Once again I did another re read this week.  I know, I need a new book very badly.  But anyway, I re read the book Wintergirls by Laurie Anderson.  In this book the main character is an anorexic girl named Lia, who used to be best friends with Cassia, a bulimic girl.  But they haven't been best friends in a while, or at least since Cassie died.  This is the story of Lia and her life.  And how Cassie comes back to haunt her.
         I don't get why the book is called Wintergirls.  It's not like Lia only comes out in the winter, because I'm in the book she went out in the other seasons.  But it might be because she is cold, out of it, like many people are in the winter.  Maybe it's because in the winter, Lia may feel like everything is a dream, like nothing i reality, and that is what makes everything easier to deal with.  If it feel like a dream, a fog, then it makes it easier for life to feel like nothing is real.  That this is a dream, this isn't happening.  I feel like winter might make everything easier to deal with, or even harder.  Like when it's calm with snow falling gently, it makes the world slow down.  It makes it so that you feel like you have more time to deal with everything.  But when there is a rough, windy blizzard, then everything feels hectic.  It can make you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you can't deal with anything, you have to go to your last resort, which is usually a bad thing.  Especially in Lia's case.  In fact, in the end it almost killed her.
        Winter is also a time of beauty and a time to hide.  In Lia's eyes what she is trying to become is beautiful.  But beautiful, isn't beautiful.  For Lia, it also makes her hide.  She can't let anyone see who she is, what she is trying to become because if she does, it won't be pretty.  It makes Lia feel distant.  It makes her feel strong.  It makes her lie about her weight by sowing pennies into robe that she wears when she steps on the scale.  And in a way, winter does this to all of us.  Each person in their own ways.  So, I don't know.  Think about that, or don't.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

        The other day when I was sick I went back and re-read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.  Great book, in case you were wondering.  Anyway, in this book the main character is Anna, even though it tells the story from multiple people's views.  But anyway her sister Kate has cancer so they  created Anna, literally created like in a petri dish, who would be a perfect genetic match to Kate.  Now Anna is filling a law suit against her parents because she doesn't want to donate a kidney to her sister.
        So is it wrong of her to not donate a kidney?  Well, it sort of is, at least in my opinion.  Anna is the only one who can save her sister.  If my brother was dying and I was the only one who could save him I probably would give him the kidney.  But Anna and Kate aren't just sisters, they are best friends.  They don't really have other friends.  It's kind of hard for them to stick around knowing what is going on in that family.  So if Anna doesn't donate her kidney, Kate will die, and Anna will not only lose her sister, she would lose her best friend.  That would be like 2 losses in one, which I think would make it harder for Anna than it already would be if they were just sisters.
        It's also okay for her to not donate a kidney.  Why should her sister's life be in Anna's hands?  That is not fair for Anna.  She has her own life to worry about.  Plus, what if she donates the kidney and it doesn't work, and Kate dies anyway?  Then Anna will have one less kidney for no reason at all.  Besisdes, you don't have to help someone, you choose to.  And if Anna isn't choosing to then why should she donate a kidney? It's not the law, she wont get arrested if she doesn't.
        I guess all I am really saying is that Anna has a choice, and either one could be the right one.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Little Phony (The Clique #13)

                                                                Spoiler Alert
        Before I start, I have to say, these books are horrible.  But I don't care!!  They are some of my favorite books, I don't know why though.  But anyway, in this book Massie and Claire get into a fight so Claire puts bugs in Massie's bed to get back at her for shaving her brothers head and making her friends think she has lice.  This forces Massie to live in Claire's house for a week while her parents are supposedly in the Bahamas.  I don't know what else really happens.  Not much untill sort of the end, but I don't want to give everything away.
        So basically what I'm going to do in this blog is ramble about things, fun right?  But anyway,  Massie takes everything personally and it's annoying.  When Claire wants to hang out with her new friends she takes it as. "Claire left us for her new geeky friends.  She must not like us anymore.  Must Get Rid of Claire's Friends."  Who does that?  And another thing that I find dumb is that it is perfectly fine with the rest of Massie and her friends, who used to be Claire's friends.  That's pretty mean if you ask me.  Also, in maybe the 10th book, it was, everytime her ex- "boyfriend" would come near her and try to talk to her friend Dylan she would be like: "Oh my god, stop flirting with me, I have moveed on from you, so try to stay away from me."  She thinks everything has to do with her!
        Another thing that annoys me about this book is how SHALLOW Massie and her friends are.  They are more shallow then a puddle.  Especially Massie.  She thinks everything is about looks and being on tot means , even if it means putting people down.  She has no problem with that.  Mean, right?
        These books suck, but I love them.  No clue why, I just do.  It might be because they are so bad that it's just hillarious And that is good enough for me. The End.
        P.S. Sorry that this was a sucky blog post, I haven't had anything new to read in weeks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is very confusing

There is a spoiler about what happens in the beginning, if you haven't read it yet.

        I started to read the book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  So far I think it is about how the earth is going to be destroyed and what happens afterwards.  The main character is a man named Arthur Dent.  The book starts off with Arthur waj=king up to his house being destroyed so he lies down in front of it so they can't run it over.  Then his friend makes him get up and go to the bar where he tells Aurthur that the world will be destroyed in 12 minutes.  Then some alien things come or something.
        The first thing that I found confusing was that for a zillion pages all they talked about was Arthur's house getting torn down and him lying down in front of it.  I honestly do not see the point of that.  Yea it's sort of interesting, but it has nothing to do with the rest of the story, at least out of what I've read already.  I would have started the book more like this:
        It was a Thursday morning when Arthur Dent's friend Ford came and dragged him to the pub.  Now he was just sitting there waiting for the 6 pints of beer his friend had ordered.  Finally, they arrived.  "Now drink 3 pints of beer and I'll tell you why we came here," Ford had said.  Arthur drank his beers in question, thinking about how drunk he would be on the way home.  "The world is about to end."
        I would have started it more like that.  Not waiting a chapter or 2 for the stroy to really begin.  But I don't know, maybe that first chapter is important later on, so far I don't think so.
        Another thing that is confusing is when what ever it is appears.  The things in the ship.  That is what confuses me, i don't know what they are, I don't know who they are, where ther're from.  I don't know anything and it really confuses me.
        I just got into the book today so, sorry that it doesn't go into much detail.  I didn't know enough to write about much of anything.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yet another blog about one of Miranda's posts

        Okay, now I know everyone is doing their blogs on Miranda's but I'm still going to write mine about her blog.  The blog of her's that I'm writing about is called Google In Your Brain.  It's about a book called Feed that she was reading at the time.  A feed is a sort of computer in your brain, I guess.  I haven't read the book.  Anyway, what Miranda actually thought about was whether or not the feed actually made you smarter.  And I agree with her.
        The feed can make you smarter.  Just imagine not having to learn anything because you have the answer right at your finger tips, or in your brain, I should say.  You wouldn't have to taake 20 minutes just to solve part a of a math problem.  You would just know it instantly.  But she also said that the feed is bad.  She said that if some one asks you for your opinion then you couldn't give it to them, you could only give them some one else's opinion.  But I have a question.  Everyone has the feed right?  Well then how could they have an opinion in the first place?  You can't.  And you can't search for an opinion because no one can have any, right?  I don't know, thats just something to consider.
        Another thing that Miranda did well was that she went into the book,and put a lot of thought into what she was writing.  And that made it, as I said to her in a comment, very looong.  I need to start expanding my blogs and making them a little bit more insightful.  I have to do what I sometimes did last year, which was wander around in the text.  I think Miranda did that very well.
        Overall, Miranda did a great job.  She managed to convince me to want to read the book, and that is even after I know what the cover looks like, and trust me it's bad.  But I'm going to read this book one day, it seems pretty good.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Loser by Jerry Spinelli

        I had no new books to read this week so I picked up the book Loser by Jerry Spinelli.  The "star" of this book is a clueless kid named Donald Zinkoff.  He stands out in a crowd, but not for a good reason.  He never really gets above an A in school and you can't read his handwriting.  To everyone but him, he is just a friendless loser.  Poor Zinkoff.
        In this blog post I'm going to talk about being clueless, and whether it's good or bad.  Donald is seriosly the most clueless kid in the world.  He is completly un-aware of everyrthing.  And in his case, it a very good thing, it keeps him happy.  If he wasn't so clueless, then he would probably be very depressed all the time.  He has no friends at all.  In fact everyone hates him, especially when it comes to feild day.  Plus, if anyone maakes fun of him, half the time it makes him proud.  He just doesn't get it.  If I was him and actually realized what was going on around me I would probably lock myself in my room and stay there for the rest of my life.  The only time he isn't really clueless was when people were calling him a loser.
        I also think that it's bad for him to be clueless.  I mean, if he understood what they were saying about him he might try to stop it.  If they say he is a super slow runner he might try to run faster.  They could say he is a bad student.  he might try to study harder.  If he realized it then Zinkoff might try to prove everyone wrong.  That would benefit him in the long run.  He might also get what is wrong with this picture, his picture.  If he knew and changed it, his life would be better, even if he doesn't realize it.
        If I were Donald, I would probably wan't to be clueless, I wouldn't get hurt as much.  What about you?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A long rant about the Little House Series

        I didn't really have anything to say about any book I've read in the past week, so I decided to take a look back at the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  These books show the story of the author and show what it was like growing up in the mid to late 1800s.  The author is the main character and she has 3 sisters, Carrie, Mary, and Grace.
        All throughout the series I've noticed that evry single one has a very happy and very corny ending.  It honestly is one of the most annoying things ever!  For example, in The long Winter the ending goes "And as they sang, the fear and suffering of the long winter seemed to risew like a dark cloud and float away on the music.  Spring had come.  The sun was shining warm, the winds were soft, and the green grass growing."  Every time I read that I want to die.  If he was still alive today I would love to write her a letter saying those things.  Not that she shouldn't make it a happy ending.  She could do that if she wants, just not in the same way.  I don't really know what I'd say but if I had to I would figure something out.
        Another thing, I think that Laura exagerates a lot.  I do to, but if there was big blizzard I wouldn't say, my brother was so very scared that he was shaking really hard.  Ever heard of show not tell?  Didn't think so.  Some things that Laura exagerated actually enhanced the what she was trying to say.  Like if she says something like, the wind howled really loudly all night long, then that would be okay because she wanted to enhance the point that  the wind was loud.  But if she says that every time it is windy then it get annoying.   And she does say that when ever it's windy in the book!!  I am getting so worked up about this now, it's un-believable!  I'm basically yelling these things in my head.
        Oh, lets see.  What else is annoying...hmmm.  Some of these people's names annoy me.  Now, I know he didn't make up these names, but still.  Tell me, who names their kid Cap.  That is a form of a hat.  Nobody wants to be named a type of hat.  And Minnie too.  Whenever I think of that name I think of a mouse.  I wouldn't want to have the same name as a giant mouse (not that I don't like Minnie Mouse, because I do).  I bet you I could keep going forever but I'm going to stop know.  Do you think these books can be annoying?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

        I am re-reading the book, Harry Poter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K.Rowling.  In this book Harry is faced with a series of challenges known to the wizarding world as the Tri-Wizard Tornaments.  Competing in these tournaments makes him the youngest wizard ever to take part in these competitions.  There are three in total, and in the third one you have to find a goblet in a gigantic maze.         I think that the tournaments are very acurate in saying that life has challenges, and to get what you want, you have to get through them.  Not that it will be easy because, of course, it won't be.  These challenges are very literal in saying that things will be tough.  I'm wondering if Rowling wanted it to be that way though.
        One reason that she might have wanted it to be literal is to show that things stand in the way of what we want.  And that we don't get handed anything in life, we have to work for it.  This is an important message for her to show because I feel like many kids that read these books are a little younger, or at least when they read it for the first time.  If they don't learn that you have to work for things earlier on in life, then it might be harder for them to learn it later.
        J.K.Rowling might not have ment for that message to be literal.  Making it literal was sort of like handing you the message of the story.  It was easy to figure out, to easy.  I feel like it you had to think to figure out the message, then it would enhance the point of it.  It took me less then a minute to think of the message, if you want us to think, then make us.
        If I ever write a book , a real book, I know that I'm going to try to get kids to think.  After all, most good books make you think.  This book is an exceptoin.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Diamond of Darkhold *Spoilers are included!

        I just finished reading The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne Duprau.  In this book Lina and Doon venture back into their old underground city called Ember in the hopes of finding supplies to help the Emberites and the people of Sparks make it through the winter.  When they get there Doon is captured by people that have moved into Ember.  Lina manages not to get caught and goes to get help.
        I don't really know what to say about this book, so I'm just going to say that I find it annoying how un-edjucated the people that moved into Ember are.  They are the Trogg family, by the way.  But anyway, they find a big "jewel" and have no clue that it could be more than that.  It has a big metal ring around it! What jewel has that?  None that I know of.
        They are also very inconsiderate of others.  When they first arrived in Ember they  went exploring.  The Troggs soon discovered a river, and beside it... bodies of Emberites that died trying to leave.  And what did they do? They tossed them into the river.  Didn't even bat an eyelash.  I don't mean that they were supposed to have a funeral for them or anything, but I just wish that they would feel a little bit bad about throwing them into the river.
        Those things are just my opinions, but what about the rest of you?  Do you agree?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Harry Potter #3 P.S. There is a spoiler

         I'm reading the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling.  In this book Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts only to find out that Sirius Black, a prisoner in Azkaban is on the loose, and he wants to find Harry.  Not only that, but dementors are at Hogwarts and now Harry needs to learn how to fight them off.
         One thing that I've noticed in this book is that the dementors always seem to be after Harry.  This is probably because he has some of the worst memories out of all the students there at Hogwarts.  One thing that I would like to know what the dementors represent.  Do they represent all the dark things that we keep hidden in the back of our minds?  I've come to think so.  Dementors are a weapon, used to get us to think about those memories.  Memories that could haunt us forever, causing us to be lifeless thing just floating in a world that we feel we don't belong in turning you into one of them, a dementor, with no emotions, no soul, no life.  I think that is what anyone would beome, with no happy memories.  Without those memories, without happiness in general, what is the point in living?  There really is none.
        If dementors were real people, then they would be the bullies.  The  ones that make you feel bad, that suck all the happiness out of you.  But it's just to make themselves happy, to make them feel better, so that they have more of a soul.  And really, it doesn't work.  All it does is makes them want more people to be sad, for them  to have something to live for.  They just don't realize, that living that way is not worth it.  Anyone like that should try to do something with their lives, to make it worthwhile.  No one should have to live like a dementor, so just be happy and think about those happy memories.  Leave the bad ones in a loked up trunk in your head.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Not Easy Being Mean

        I just finished reading the book it's Not Easy Being Mean by Lisi Harrison.  In this book Massie, Alicia, Dylan, Kristen, and Claire set off to find a key to unlock a mysterious room on OCD's campus.  Well, except Claire because she's to busy working on an a contract in acting.  The only problem about finding the key is that it's under some boy's bed.  I'm not going to say  what happens so you have to read it to fing out.
        Honestly, having to write about some issues in this book is hard because it is just so shallow!  But looking past all of that, there is something there to think about.  Spoiler coming up soon.  It comes up towards the end of the book, where Massie and her friends are forced to make some sacrifices to get the key after a "loser beyond repair", Layne Abeley, finds the key.  In order to get the key from Layne, Massie has to bargain with her untill she decides to give it up.  I feel like this is saying that you have to lose some to win some.  I know that it's a common cliche, but that is the way to describe it.  But then I started thinking about how if you are happy with what you have and everyone in the school wants to be you, then why not give someone else a chance to shine for a little while?  You've had you're glory days, now why not let someone else steal the spotlight.  Escpecially since that room is a secret and no one is supposed to know about it.  Then nothing would be affected.  at least I don't think it would be.
        But to Massie, knowing that Layne had the key and not her would probably make her... unhappy.  Sh'd probably want that key for herself,  just so it would make her feel better than everyone else.  If I were her, I probably would want the key to.  The only difference is that I might agree to share the room.  Then me and who ever found the key would both be happy.  If I were there, I probably would have suggested that.  Sure, I would've been shot down by tons of comebacks, but at least the thought would be on Massie's mind.
        I wish Massie was a little more considerate of others, but that is just the way she is.  And luckily she doesn't actually exist, at least not in my life.  You've heard what I think, now what about you?